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The best way to use a wifi jammer

Admin Posted on 2022-09-19

With the popularity of mobile phones, the demand for wifi jammer in various conferences and exams has also increased significantly. Therefore, wifi blockers naturally have a broad market. However, the vast majority of customers lack sufficient understanding of wireless wifi signal jammers, and they often choose high-power wifi jammer unilaterally to achieve good results. They didn't know that there were some hidden dangers.

What are radio frequencies?

Wifi signal jammer rely on the science of radio frequencies. They can block devices from communicating by imitating the same frequencies the devices use. But how do mimic signals stop communicating?

The best way to think about radio frequencies is to visualize a horizontal line. On this line, there are different sections representing different types of frequencies.

Each part handles specific frequencies, including long-wave radio, microwaves, and even visible light. Devices have standard frequencies on which they operate. Knowing which ones they use can help design a jammer for that device.

Channels can become crowded when multiple devices are all operating on the same frequency band. Too many devices on one channel can cause slow and faded connections. Each device is overwhelmed by the other.

Signal jammers can overcrowd that frequency by sending a very strong signal, shutting down the device.

portable wifi jammer

Usually, for general exams and small courses, choosing a low-power wireless wifi signal jammer will give good results. However, we have noticed that in major schools and important conferences, many places tend to pursue high-power wifi jammer devices. For example, a high-power wifi frequency jammer is installed in each classroom, and after the exam, due to the lack of attention to use, a few jammers are often not closed in time, and they have been turned on for several weeks. , I hope here that the unit that needs to use a wireless wifi bluetooth jammer: Doesn't blindly choose a high-power wireless wifi signal jammer. For a classroom, choosing a jammer with low transmit power is enough to achieve the shielding effect. After use, please close the shield in time to avoid continuous radiation. It is also necessary to choose the shielding device produced by the regular manufacturer. The shielding device produced by the informal manufacturer often deliberately increases the transmission power in order to pursue a good shielding effect.

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