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How to hack wifi signal jammer?

Admin Posted on 2022-08-17

In major electronic forums and social platforms, there will always be posts of this kind explaining how to crack the wifi signal jammer. Leaving aside what the purpose of cracking is, let's analyze whether these claims are effective.

Let's take a look at how a wifi signal jammer works:

The jammer scans from the low-end frequency of the forward channel to the high-end frequency at a certain speed during operation. The scanning speed can cause garbled interference in the received message signal of the mobile communication (mobile phone), and the mobile communication (mobile phone) cannot detect the normal data sent from the base station, so that the mobile communication (mobile phone) cannot establish a connection with the base station. Mobile communication is manifested as search network, no signal, no service system and other phenomena.

Next, let's analyze the so-called method of cracking the wifi signal jammer:

One of the ways to crack a wifi frequency jammer:

wifi bluetooth wireless signal jammer

Enter your mobile phone settings, click "Network Settings", change the network mode to "Manual Mode", then enter "Network Search", wait until the words "China Mobile" or "China Unicom" appear, then exit immediately. The mobile phone will have a signal, but the length of the anti-blocking time depends on the quality of the mobile phone. This method works for most mobile phones. Principle: The work of the mobile phone is originally within a certain frequency range. The mobile phone and the base station are connected by radio waves to complete the transmission of data and sound with a certain baud rate and modulation method. Then the jammer scans from the low-end frequency of the forward channel to the high-end frequency at a certain speed during the working process. The scanning speed can cause garbled interference in the message signal received by the mobile phone, and the mobile phone cannot detect the normal data sent from the base station, so that the mobile phone cannot establish a connection with the base station. The mobile phone manifests as the phenomenon of searching the network, no signal, no service system, etc.

1. The method is invalid.

2. The principle of the shield is correct, but it may confuse the point of view intentionally or unintentionally. Fundamentally speaking, no matter what kind of mobile phone signal frequency, it exists within the shielding range of the signal jammer. The signal jammer is responsible for scanning and emitting the same frequency band. There is no such thing as a mobile phone with good quality. , so no matter how you switch, it will be blocked.

The second method of cracking the wifi signal jammer
Because the working principle of the blocker is to block the mobile phone by interfering with the mobile phone signal in the specified band, as long as the receiving and transmitting frequency of the mobile phone is modified, it can be prevented from being blocked. The blocking device can only block the mobile phone signal of 900-1800MHZ, while the receiving and transmitting frequency of the mobile phone It is 850-1900MHZ, which is much larger than the shielding range of the shield, so as long as the receiving and transmitting frequency of the mobile phone is adjusted to the maximum in the mobile phone settings, the mobile phone signal can be received normally.

1. The method is invalid;

2. The signal blocker does not just block a single frequency band.

The third method of cracking the signal jammer
This method has relatively high requirements on the mobile phone and the environment, but the effect is also the best and the most concealed. After searching for and successfully connecting to an available wireless network with your mobile phone, you can still surf the Internet and do not use traffic even if the mobile phone has no signal.

1. The method is invalid;

2. When the mobile phone is within the shielding range of the signal blocker, the mobile phone cannot search for the wireless network. In fact, the frequency band of the wireless network is easily blocked. This point of view is equivalent to sometimes we forget to bring the key when we go out: the lock is on the door, the key is at home, the lock is useful, and the key is also useful, but the two are separated by a door, so they cannot be combined.

The development of signal jammers is accompanied by the development of communication technology. With the emergence of new communication technologies, new signal frequency bands also appear according

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