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What is a GPS Jammer?

Admin Posted on 2022-08-03

The use of gps blocker device may be more widespread than you thought. According to a 2012 study (known as the Sentinel Project), there are between 50 and 450 instances of gps tracker blocker jamming across the United Kingdom every day. Fleet drivers and truckers were responsible for 90% of those instances. Another study done in 2014 by Rohde & Schwarz found that around every 3rd truck on a major highway in the United States was broadcasting at the same frequency as GPS—and implied that these trucks were likely using gps signal jammer for car

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What are GPS Blockers, Scramblers & Signal Jammers?

In order to understand how GPS blockers work, it helps to be familiar with how GPS works. GPS stands for Global Positioning System and functions using the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) network. A GPS tracker works by connecting to the GNSS network. GPS signal jammers send out a radio signal at the exact same frequency as the GPS device which overrides the signals sent out by the satellite. When this occurs, a GPS tracking device is unable to determine its exact location because the scrambler is interfering with its signal.

Function of GPS Jammers

GPS jammers disrupt all functions of GPS systems including navigation and tracking.

GPS blockers are generally small in size and simple to install. They take less than a minute to power on and can be discreetly installed and removed. Under federal law, they are illegal and using one can cost individuals fines or imprisonment. Despite this, GPS tracker jammers are widely available and often cheap.

Four Types of GPS Blockers

The easiest way to stop a GPS tracker from working is to destroy the device so it can’t function. However, there are many ways to achieve a similar result in a more discreet way by using technology. Here are four types of GPS blockers:

1. A Metal Box
The simplest way to stop a GPS tracking device from functioning is to place it in a metal box. Any electrically conductive metal will reflect and absorb the device’s incoming and outgoing signals and interfere with its operation. Wrapping a GPS tracker in aluminum foil is enough to do the job—although copper and even silver work as well. This is an incredibly cheap and easy method of GPS jamming. However, the perpetrator must have physical access to the GPS device to use this method.

2. GPS Scrambling Gadgets
GPS scrambling gadgets are widely available online for less than a hundred dollars. These devices are simple to operate and can be discreetly installed and removed. They emit a frequency that blocks incoming and outgoing GPS signals and jam GPS devices from functioning properly.

3. Mobile Phone Jammers
It may surprise some to know that cell phones also use GPS signals. mobile phone signal jammer prevent the exchange of real-time location information—one of the most important data points for monitoring drivers. Cell phone jammers are also widely available online, however, this technology is much more expensive than other options.

4. GPS Spoofing
GPS spoofing devices send out fake GPS signals which traditional tracking devices pick up and understand to be true. Brent Ledvina, professor of electrical and computer engineering at Virginia Tech, said GPS spoofing is “almost like someone nearby is spoofing your favorite radio station by transmitting at the same frequency but higher power, fooling your receiver into believing it is getting the right station.”

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