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What is the relationship between waves and WiFi blockers?

Colclough November 2019

In classical physics, wave is a kind of interference that transfers energy. Does this have anything to do with our WiFi jamming device?

jammer-mart forums

Jammer-Mart November 2019

In classical physics, a wave is a disturbance that transfers energy. Each wave has a frequency-meaning how often it pulsates-and the wavelength of the wave is derived from that frequency. When the crest passes through a certain spatial unit per second, the frequency of the wave is 1 Hz. If we do this with 10 peaks, then we have a 10 Hz wave.

When one crest meets another exact crest ("in-phase"), they intensify each other to produce constructive interference. The end product is a new wave with greater amplitude. When a trough encounters another precise trough ("out-of-phase"), they cancel each other out, causing destructive interference. The wifi jammer achieves the interference effect by mutual interference of waves.