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What material can block bluetooth signal?

Roust Tuoll August 2022

What material can block bluetooth signal?

jammer-mart forums

Jammer-Mart August 2022

A wireless wifi bluetooth jammer is a device that emits radio waves or microwaves that use a spread spectrum technique similar to Bluetooth to emit radio waves or microwaves of the same frequency at higher power. This creates interference that makes it difficult for the Bluetooth signal to receive and transmit properly.
There are several materials that can block the Bluetooth signal. They are listed below:
Low level of interference potential: wood, glass and many synthetic materials, glass can also reflect and absorb electromagnetic waves.
Moderate interference potential: water, bricks, marble, where water is also good at absorbing and reflecting electromagnetic waves.
High potential for interference: plaster, concrete, bulletproof glass
The potential for interference is extremely high: Metals can reflect and absorb electromagnetic waves, which makes them good at blocking Bluetooth signals.
Thick Concrete: Concrete is a material composed of granite, water, and other materials. This makes it good at blocking Bluetooth signals.