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Is it legal to use a WiFi jammer?

Caron Umberto November 2019

In some public places in Mexico, there is often a phenomenon that the mobile phone is out of service or the signal is unavailable. This is because the mobile phone signal is blocked. Is it legal to use signal blocking equipment in these places?

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Jammer-Mart November 2019
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Although Mexico has no laws against these devices, private use of wifi jammer is illegal in the United States and most western countries. In Japan, jammers can be installed in public places such as theaters and concert halls as long as government permits are obtained. Last week the French Minister of Industry approved decisions for cinemas, concert halls and theatres, but only if precautions are taken so that emergency calls can still be made.

Canada has considered allowing installations in similar circumstances, and Industry Canada, which regulates Canadian Telecom, has objected, saying that these devices could violate personal freedom and affect public safety due to paralyzed communications with law enforcement and security agencies.