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Why should a car use a GPS signal jammer?

Sky March 2022

We all know that the GPS signal blocker, as the name implies, blocks the GPS signal to prevent someone from being followed and tracked. So why use a GPS jammers? When should a GPS signal jammer be used?

jammer-mart forums

Jammer-Mart March 2022

gps jammers for cars are important to some customers. For example, a car mortgage company temporarily gains control of the car after releasing the money to the original owner. In order to prevent the vehicle from being secretly stolen by the original owner, such a company will purchase GPS blockers, install it in the parking lot where the vehicle is stored, and install it in the car. It is installed on the top, so that the original owner cannot locate the vehicle, thus protecting the property safety.

2. In another situation, when you buy such a mortgage vehicle from a mortgage vehicle company, you will inevitably worry about the safety after purchasing the vehicle. Will someone install a locator on the vehicle? Will the car be driven away in the middle of the night after the car is parked? Therefore, in order to protect property safety, car buyers will also buy a monopoly GPS signal jammer.