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Are there any 5G signal jammers on the market?

Teddiy October 2020

The topic of 5G signal is hotly discussed recently. When will it become popular? Is there a market for 5g jammers?

jammer-mart forums

Jammer-Mart October 2020
GPS signal jammer

5G is the main direction of the development of the new generation of mobile communication technology and an important part of the new generation of information infrastructure. Compared with 4G, it will not only further enhance the user's network experience, but also meet the application needs of the Internet of Everything in the future. From the perspective of user experience, 5g has a higher speed and wider bandwidth. It is expected that 5g will be about 10 times higher than 4g. It only takes a few seconds to download high-definition movies, which can meet the needs of consumers. Virtual reality, high-definition video and other higher web experience requirements. From the perspective of industry applications, 5g has higher reliability and lower waiting time, which can meet the requirements of specific applications such as intelligent manufacturing and autonomous driving industries, broaden the development space of the integrated industry, and support economic and social innovation.

5G signals will be developed and popularized. Whether in terms of performance or other aspects, it is believed that there will be many fields for 5G signals in future development. This is the mainstream of scientific and technological development. Therefore, 5G jammer has already appeared in 2020.