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Signal jammer prevents insecure network information

Admin Posted on 2020-02-17

Bruce Schneier, one of the world's leading cybersecurity experts, recently published an article in the Guardian describing the weaknesses of our information security. He also talked about the contribution of the National Security Agency. He said the government and major business agencies have betrayed the Internet and have turned it into a powerful and effective spy tool. At Jammer-mart, we can buy a variety of signal blockers. Here we will try to explain why we can't trust the Internet and how to protect your data from overwhelming espionage.

Incredibly, more and more aspects of our lives are being leaked online. Social media, news, banking, private conversations, etc. already exist. The problem is that intelligence agencies around the world have decided that they can get it without a warrant without even telling anyone why they need it. That's why it's important for people to understand that their information is at risk and start working together to stop such espionage. Using a signal jammer can effectively breed spy camera tools.

Remember that everything you send over the Internet will always be there, no exceptions. We can't believe in the media giants who create the infrastructure and manage the Internet, they have proven to monitor us at any time. Remember, Huawei's spy scandal surrounding one of the leading vendors of network hardware. Major hardware vendors may work with law enforcement agencies such as the NSA and have the intention to create backdoors in their equipment. Smartphones and other modern wireless devices are the most dangerous here because they collect a lot of information in one place. It is important to hide very sensitive information.

But what should we do? We can't stop or stop it completely, the only thing we can do is make espionage too expensive for intelligence agencies. First, as Bruce Schneier said, encrypt your communications. If you have your own website, make it run over HTTPS. If you are a software engineer, use TLS or SSL to encrypt all connections. The main idea here is to make projects like DPI or PRISM even XKeyscore useless. Police will still be able to track offenders, but they will not be able to monitor everyone. Signal blocking devices can protect the data on your phone.

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